Prostate Cancer
The third most common cause of male death is prostate cancer. Fatality is most prevalent in men over the age of 75, but this serious illness can take someone as young as 50; any younger than this is extremely rare. Some men are at higher risk than others, such as black men, men who have been exposed to Agent Orange, alcoholics, painters, farmers and tire factory workers. Though many men will develop an enlarged prostate gland, this is in no way connected to their risk of getting prostate cancer.
The main symptoms of prostate cancer are urine leakage, blood in the seamen and/or urine, slow stream of urine and the feeling of not being able to empty the bladder fully. The only way to confirm that prostate cancer is present is a biopsy. The sample is reviewed and scored by how advanced it is. The main tests that prompt a biopsy are the PSA and the DRE.
There is no clear cut treatment for prostate cancer and it depends on the stage of the cancer and the patient himself. The most common first steps are surgery, hormone therapy and radiation therapy. The sooner the cancer is found, the better the chances of successful treatment. This is why it is so important for men over 50 to get regular prostate exams.