Our Pathology Laboratory

The Metro Chicago Surgical Oncology's Laboratory provides the patients of MCSO with rapid, reliable test results geared toward their urological issues. The laboratory is accredited by the College of American Pathologists and staffed by full-time Board-Certified pathologists and expert technologists in the fields of Anatomic Pathology, Cytology/FISH, Blood Studies and Microbiology. The laboratory has a strong emphasis on urologic pathology but is also focused on gynecological, gastroenterological and dermatologic pathology and uses state-of-the-art techniques to obtain accurate pathologic diagnoses. The large volume of cases we evaluate ensures that your studies will be performed by technicians and evaluated by pathologists, highly experienced with all diseases. Our laboratory staff members work closely with all MCSO specialists.

Our Pathologist

Meet Our Pathologist

Medical Director, Shahnaz Saeed MD, provides years of expertise in the various areas of the laboratory.  Dr. Saeed’s vast experience aids in the difficult areas of diagnosis of early prostate cancers, post-radiation therapy tumor recurrences and the appropriate grading (Gleason Score) of prostate malignancies. Numerous breast, bladder, lower GI cancers are also identified and graded. Daily quality assurance conferences and other quality-related activities help fulfill the high accreditation standards of the College of American Pathologists.

In what areas can we help you?

Fields of Expertise

Anatomic Pathology

The Anatomic Pathology Departments prepare biopsy specimens for examination by pathologists. Specimens include breast biopsies, prostate biopsies, bladder biopsies, esophageal biopsies, intestinal biopsies, segments of vasa deferentia removed during vasectomies and skin biopsies. Quality control is paramount, and automated staining modalities are used to provide detailed diagnostic information.


Our Department of Cytology and FISH examines urinary tract fluids for abnormal cells using routine microscopy and state-of-the-art automated UroVysion Fluorescent in the Hybridization (FISH). These techniques aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer of the bladder.

Blood Studies

Blood specimens collected in MCSO’s offices are analyzed for Prostatic Specific Antigen (PSA) and testosterone levels for male and female hormones which is useful in diagnosing and monitoring certain urologic disorders. Routine blood chemistries, such as complete blood counts, lipid studies, and thyroid studies, are also performed.

Genetic Testing

MCSO’s genetic testing identifies changes in chromosomes, genes, or proteins. The results of a genetic test can confirm or rule out a suspected genetic condition or the likelihood of the spread of such a condition. MCSO utilizes molecular genetic tests, chromosomal genetic tests, as well as biochemical genetic tests all three tests help identify variations and mutations which may lead to a genetic disorder.


In the Microbiology Department, urinary tract specimens are examined for the presence of disease-causing bacteria. Samples of urine are spread over agar plates and incubated, allowing any bacteria present to grow overnight. Bacterial species are identified and tests are performed to guide the urologist in the selection of appropriate antibiotic treatment.


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