Interstitial Cystitis (painful bladder syndrome)

Interstitial Cystitis is a condition that is categorized by a mixture of bladder/pelvis pain that ranges from slight discomfort to extreme pain, and bladder pressure. This is a chronic condition that is also known as painful bladder syndrome. Interstitial Cystitis can affect both genders and all ages, however it is most commonly seen in women. This is an unfortunate condition in that it can have an adverse effect on the lives of those it touches.

The main symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis include pain in the pelvis and/or genital area, a constant and urgent need to urinate, passing small amounts of urine at a time and painful sexual intercourse. The most severe cases have the patient urinating (or attempting to) more than sixty times per day. The main causes for this condition include improper signals between the brain and the bladder and defects in the bladder lining. Some evidence shows that this condition may be genetically connected.

There are various treatment types available and not all will work on every patient. There are oral medications, nerve stimulators and surgery. After an examination, a medical professional will know the right treatment for each patient.